Hello, fellow diving associate!
Please read the information below carefully.
Welcome to your own charting and recording app.
This application is designed for people who currently work as a licensed diver or still pursuing a degree to become one. It is developed to facilitate the charting procedure and prepare diving logs while enabling to download .pdf files to your preferred device.
Diving charts are calculated based on the most current US Navy Dive Tables and decompression models.
This application is intended for people with proper education in the diving field.
This application is not a pre-dive planner.
The intent here is to facilitate post-dive “log recording” process and save the user some time.
For any questions or inquiries: ezdivingchart@gmail.com
Stay Safe!
Disclaimer: To the extent that the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.